Chloe`s nest

2012년 1월 1일 일요일

My diamente poems

I wrote some diamente poems in my writing class.
Here goes!

nervous uneasy
straining    shaking    sobbing
EOP     tests       room     blanket
comforting cuddling consoling
relaxed friendly

Is it good??
I`d really like to know.

hard   ridiculous
humiliating envying embarrasing
words   thesauraus   diamond   shape
trying   thinking   searching
anxious worried

I wrote a diamente poem about diamente poem!

cozy warm
smiling cooking helping
chef laugh humor computer
working playing loving
funny happy

There`s a couple more, but they are in my diary and Ms. Hughey has it now, so I`m sorry but I can`t post them. Aaaaah~

Was my poem good? I`d like to know. so please comment about my first-ever diamente poems!

댓글 1개:

  1. Yes, these are excellent. You write very poetically. A diamante poem and about diamante poems.....very....ironic? I also like the first one a little, but it almost sounds like you don't like GLPS. I think you like it. Maybe you can write a more positive one.

    Keep up the good blogging and I hope I can give you a greencard.
